Well-being at work
Takes only 6 mins per day
Finnmotion is simple, everybody can do it. It doesn’t take much space and delivers, step by step, well-being improvements. It fights brain fatigue.
Improve well-being whilst working
Finnmotion delivers both physical and mental well-being benefits while working. It creates new positive routines.
A motivational
tool for management
Management delivers a positive message: we are in this together, we care and support you.
Creating cohesion within teams
It gives a team a chance to reconnect and opens a new channel of communication. It fosters better engagement, improves employee satisfaction and has a positive impact on the working environment.
Harvard study 2017 found out each dollar spent on wellness programs saves employers: $3 in healthcare + $3 in absenteeism. Can you afford to ignore a 6 to 1 return?
“Finnmotion improved our employees’ focus,
energy and overall performance, giving immediate results.”
Olli Lindroos, Deputy Director-General, The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
"Beginning I thought if this process can improve just one life it would be worth doing.
But it turned out to affect positively so many. We will carry on."
Aki Heiskanen, the Mayor of Hailuoto
"I know that doing Finnmotion regularly will greatly improve your posture, balance and breathing and, with it, your general feeling of wellbeing."
Martin Curwen, former EIB Director-General and long-term Method Putkisto practitioner.
Client Reviews
Purpose built set of props to get you engaged
A specific set of props designed to support Finnmotion exercises. Targeting the most important areas you want to wake up.
1 Wobbeli - wobble board for balance
1 Bloggeli - small wooden block for deep spinal muscle activation
1 Keppeli - pole for upper body activity and balance
2 Spiky balls - spiky ball for feet activation and right and left brain coordination

Finnmotion is a thoughtful gesture for your team
Finnmotion offers wellness from the e-cloud.
Contact us
Exercises designed to improve your balance of body and mind, to wake you up and boost your energy.
Over 6 weeks
Exercise combination designed to enhance your physical and mental flexibility helping you to cope with stressful situations.
Over 6 weeks
Exercise regime to sharpen your focus, teaching you how to stop the mind wandering and creating self-awareness.
Over 6 weeks
Kick Off
Support the inner strength
Simple set of exercises designed to improve your posture, strengthen your spine, align your body and clear your mind.
Over 6 weeks, 6 mins per day
Strength & power
Exercises to mobilise your creativity, self-awareness, SISU and resilience, making you unafraid of change increasing your strength and power.
Over 2 weeks
From Stress to
Exercises teaching you how to reboot your energy, to manage your time, to see things in perspective and feel confident.
Over 6 weeks
Exercises stimulating communication and connecting people. Simple ways to bring teams together, even from a distance, renewing your team dynamics.
Over 6 weeks
Exercises designed to lift the spirit, to cheer up, to create a positive bonding easing up work pressure.
Over 2 weeks
If you are short in time
If you have an hour
join in to a class

Optional add-on premium service
These components allow you to design the best possible programme for your company.
Choose your add-on service and contact us to build the specific package your company needs.

Marja has long been concerned about the effects of modern working conditions on body and mind.

At the instigation of Finnish companies, Marja has devised the innovative programme to improve well-being at work, physically, emotionally and socially.
Creater of the internationally acknowledged Method Putkisto movement technique. Her Method Putkisto Institute is the leading body and mind school in Finland.
Marja has published several books.

Marja is a visionary and problem solver: she searches for fresh, innovative and, yet simple, solutions to well-being at work.
The inventor behind Finnmotion
Finnmotion was developed by Marja Putkisto. Internationally acknowledged well-being and movement visionary.
Consulting service
Let’s create a tailor-made programme for your company enhancing your
Online coaching
When e-learning is not enough, benefit from real- time online coaching.
Work Dynamic Analysis
Showing you the dynamics within your team, identifying where energy is lost and monitoring the progression of the whole team.
Posture props
A specific set of props designed to support Finnmotion exercises, targeting the most important areas.
Measurement app
Monitor your daily progress with an app.
1. Is Finnmotion ergonomics ?
It takes ergonomics further and offers tools to improve the brain performance with simple movements.
2. Cohesion - what Finnmotion brings to it?
During the time of Covid 19 new ways to interact are urgently needed. Finnmotion offers new ways to interact as a team.
3. What are the benefits between posture and mind?
It offers a way to stop mind fatigue improving focus when under the pressure.
4. I am doing yoga / pilates / mindfulness. Why would I need this?
Some of these methods can take years to master. Finnmotion brings benefits within minutes and works beyond normal body work. (Our Pilates and stretching.) Learn more>
5. What do you mean that Finnmotion exercises do not take time but give more time?
They only take 6 min per day, but they improve your concentration and help you perform your tasks faster.
6. There is too much on my table already. Why would I add yet another task?
With improvement of time management stress will alleviate.
7. Can it really be done whilst working?
That is what makes the programme exciting, it offers an instant way to feel well.
8. How can such short exercises lead to strong results?
By its holistic approach targeting the problem areas.
9. Posture erosion. What does that mean?
It is the invisible deterioration of the posture and agility leading to symptoms like: headaches, fatigue, loss of concentration.
10. Is Finnmotion a health and safety issue?
It offers preventive care, prevents deterioration of agility and motor skills resulting to alertness.
10 Frequently asked questions
The British economy loses an estimated £100 billion per year in lost productivity related to decline of mental and physical well-being.

The most attractive employers create ...
Finnmotion provides a golden opportunity for communication, also for bosses!
A modern replacement of the common meeting places we lost!
Making everybody participate and connect. “Let’s try new ways, let’s start talking, let’s compare notes.”
Watch the video : Anthony Fitzsimmons, leading thinker on behavioural and organisational risk on the importance of gathering points.
You can feel energised at work
Martin Curwen, former Director General of the European Investment Bank, was
always aware of the importance regular exercise as a means to turn off and re-
energise. Learning how to relax is key, he says.
Reversing posture erosion.
Poor posture, leading to degeneration of the spine, is at the heart of what fatigues us. It affects our state of mind, agility and focus. When your team begins to slouch, it is time to get energised.
The SISU MIND BODY programme is based on the understanding of the holistic balance of body and mind and its impact on work mood. It builds rituals that improve day-to-day well-being.
All 8 modules are included in the annual license.
Over 100 physical exercises.
10 steps to adjust daily routines to perform better.
8 steps to strengthen motivation.
6 steps affecting individual well-being.
5 elements to integrate mind and body dynamics.
4 steps to bring teams together.
Only 6 mins per day.
New targets and terminology to develop work well-being.

Takes only 6 mins per day
Finnmotion is simple, everybody can do it. It doesn’t take much space and delivers, step by step, well-being improvements. It fights brain fatigue.

Improve well-being whilst working
Finnmotion delivers both physical and mental well-being benefits while working. It creates new positive routines.

A motivational
tool for management
Management delivers a positive message: we are in this together, we care and support you.

Creating cohesion within teams
It gives a team a chance to reconnect and opens a new channel of communication. It fosters better engagement, improves employee satisfaction and has a positive impact on the working environment
The best of Finnmotion
The best of Finnmotion
Eight e-learning modules
The new way to deliver well-being at work in 6 min per day
*Sisu in Finnish means resilience and perseverance under difficult circumstances.
Trial bargain
Finnmotion boosts
focus and agility of mind and body
Time to reconnect, energise and engage your team

Can it take only 6 mins per day?

Is your team working from home?
Covid 19 has changed the way we work.
Organisations must deal with the unprecedented disruption caused by enforced remote working.
Low team spirit and loss of purpose has a negative impact on productivity.
New tools are needed to
Create a new working culture
Stop bad habits developing
Maintain well-being at work
Having to cope with an increasing workload?
Recognise the symptoms!
Aching neck, tired eyes, back pain, headaches, difficulty to concentrate.
Sitting and looking at a screen all day leads to a degeneration of the spine. The result is feeling unwell, loss of agility and focus.
When your team begins to slouch, it is time to get energised.

Finnmotion offers an effective solution with simple tools
Working on the body and the mind
Improving physical and mental well-being
Teaching people how to energise themselves
Lifting the working atmosphere
Employees feel better, become more positive, more engaged and more productive.
A win-win effect for individuals, the team and the company!
Improve posture and productivity at work
It reverses posture erosion.
Poor posture, leading to degeneration of the spine, is the main reason for fatigue. It affects our state of mind, agility and focus. Finnmotion teaches you how to correct your posture and thereby gives you more energy.

It provides a golden opportunity for communication, also for bosses!
Making everybody participate and connect. “Let’s try new ways, let’s start talking, let’s compare notes.”
A modern replacement of the common meeting places we lost!
Watch the video: Anthony Fitzsimmons, leading thinker on behavioural and organisational risk on the importance of gathering points.
Work well-being from Finland
Finland leads the world in work well-being. It has proven to be a cost-effective investment that improves productivity.
“The well-being economy emphasises the link between economic growth and people’s well-being. Both are needed, and they reinforce one another.”
Aino-Kaisa Pekonen, Minister for social affairs and health in Finland, August 2019
Finnish companies have used the Finnmotion program with great success.
Finnmotion unleashes untapped potential.
More hours are spent in front of the computer than ever before. By improving posture and agility Finnmotion fights many other problems like absenteeism, presenteeism and low productivity.
It provides a practical set of tools to increase both physical and emotional well-being, reduce stress and builds resilience. It promotes observational skills leading to self confidence, positivity towards changes and ability to make relevant decisions.